原來 PR 的 feedback 回覆要順便 CC bug-followup@FreeBSD.org
2005-08-14 16:19:31 UTC
之前都不知道,還以為被分類到 gnome@ 只要 CC 給 gnome@ mailing list 就好了..

23:20 -!- Channel #freebsd-gnome created Mon Aug 4 06:56:43 2003
23:20 -!- Irssi: Join to #freebsd-gnome was synced in 2 secs
23:21 <@Pav> chinsan <o>
23:21 < chinsan> Pav: hi :p
23:21 <@Pav> heya
23:23 < chinsan> FreeBSDMarcus: may www/firefox 's CJK patch(ports/84378) be
commit after the end of port tree freeze?
23:23 < chinsan> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=84378
23:24 <@Pav> chinsan: he's not here (look at his status: away)
23:24 < chinsan> I made a temp wiki to explain this bug
23:24 < chinsan> ohoh....:(
23:24 <@Pav> chinsan: plus following on the PR answering the question from
August 1 would help too
23:24 -!- cn_ [n=***@p54831BF5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Connection timed
23:26 < chinsan> Pav: I replied that question at gnome@ mailing list (~_~"
23:27 <@Pav> chinsan: if it's not in PR it does not exist
23:27 -!- mode/#freebsd-gnome [+ooo ahze_ bland bland_] by Pav
23:27 -!- mode/#freebsd-gnome [+vv Olli__ lesi] by Pav
23:28 -!- kaeru [n=***@] has joined #freebsd-gnome
23:28 < dom> yo
23:28 < chinsan> Pav: it means...I need to CC that reply to ports-bugs@
instead of gnome@?
23:29 <@Pav> chinsan: you have to make sure all your replies go also to
23:29 <@Pav> if it's related to a PR
23:29 <@Pav> and that's the only working address, no ports-bugs or anything
23:30 <@Pav> I suggest always using "reply all" button in your mailer
23:30 < dom> since I upgraded my ports from MC ports, firefox is broken :(
links http://djdomics.no-ip.com/pub/FreeBSD/firefox.txt
23:30 < chinsan> Pav: oh...I understand. Does it too late to reply at
bug-followup@ again?
23:32 <@Pav> chinsan: it's never too late
※ Origin: SayYA 資訊站 <bbs.sayya.org> 
◆ From: 220-135-48-40.hinet-ip.hinet.net
2005-08-19 05:26:26 UTC
呵,成功哩 :)

13:04 < chinsan> FreeBSDMarcus: hi, what do you think about firefox's CJK
patch? (ports/84378)
13:05 < chinsan> FreeBSDMarcus: I made a temp wiki to explain this bug
13:21 <@FreeBSDMarcus> chinsan: I thought it was already decided that the CJK
patch would go in after the freeze.
13:22 < chinsan> FreeBSDMarcus: Thank you very much! *^_^* I have to go to
lunch, bye
※ Origin: SayYA 資訊站 <bbs.sayya.org> 
◆ From: 220-135-48-40.hinet-ip.hinet.net
